Devil’s Thumb Ranch

Devil’s Thumb Ranch offers experiences that embrace the pioneering spirit of the early homesteaders while honoring and preserving the pristine landscapes for future generations. Guests are invited to participate in real, authentic ranch adventures from horseback riding, fly fishing, and cross-country skiing, and more on over 6,500 acres in the Rocky Mountains.

I was tasked to create a “Welcome Email” design that will trigger in Mailchimp when a new user subscribes to the Devil’s Thumb’s “e-pony express.”

  • Company: Devil’s Thumb Ranch
    Industry: Hospitality
    Project: Performance Task

  • • Brand alignment
    • Email design
    • Typography
    • Color Theory
    • Wireframe
    • Visual campaigns
    • Marketing

  • • InDesign
    • Photoshop
    • Mailchimp
    • Google Slide


Sonic Boom Wellness | Animation


The Sunrise Shack | Merch Design