Solo Art Exhibit

My senior year I was asked to put together a solo show to be displayed in a well-loved local coffee shop, Midnight Oil. Below you can take a look at my process of creating a few of the pieces from the show! I incorporated a mix of digital pieces along with hand-crafted work! In total, I hung and created over 30 pieces.

  • Solo Art Exhibition: Midnight Oil Coffeehouse
    Duration: January 2020 to June 2020

  • • Exhibit Planning
    • Hanging Exhibit
    • Painting
    • Screen Printing
    • Weaving
    • Photography
    • Character Design
    • Coordinating Large Scale Printing
    • Managing Art Sales

  • • Screen Printing
    • Weaving
    • Illustration
    • Illustrator
    • Photoshop
    • InDesign
    • Lightroom


Hiptipico | Social Media


Wildflower Warehouse | Personal Project